Writer in the Wild: Podcast Guest

It has been the world’s slowest burn through homeschool and other things, but I do get noticed, more acknowledgment (and my network grows) with each week, each month, each year. I get people wanting to send ARCs on a regular basis, now. I get comments on the blog more than I used to. I even got recognized by a local author and I’ll never forget him stopping me in the middle of a conversation to ask, “Are you the Starving Artist?” That’s a weird and exhilarating moment. Now for that to happen regarding a book or story…

So, when a podcaster sent me an email regarding an interview, I was not totally surprised. But a little. And I was happy to do it, and excited, and when it came down to it, really nervous. (I’m a writer, not a talker. Between ADHD and migraines, I can get my words in a right twist and end up saying completely not what was in my head or what I meant.) To be honest, I finished with the interview and was like, Well there goes my public life. I was basically manic. But thanks to my misread on reality coupled with–more importantly–their edit, it is actually a pretty good interview.

The interview’s not about me, really. I’m not that interesting (yet). The interview is about The Writer’s Journey by Christopher Vogler. The Words to Write By ladies found me because my book review popped to the surface when they were doing research. This actually happens, which I already knew. Some of my reviews are top-billing on internet search engines just because they are out there and some people have visited them and, in some cases, they cover a book or topic that is not as present on the internet as others. Voila! I am an expert on the Hero’s Journey! Turns out I do know a thing or two about books and I have an opinion about the writing process as it pertains to the Hero’s Journey. So, I’m pretty sure they were good with my interview. They were very kind. And I think I was kind to Vogler.

Words to Write by, episode for May 29, 2024 is HERE. I am at minute 27, but if you are interested in writing books or the writing process, then give them a follow to go through the entire book chapter by chapter, or check out their old podcasts on The Art of Fiction. Zen in the Art of Fiction, Scene & Structure, Bird by Bird, and Writing the Memoir. Their website is HERE.

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